

字词 时间差
释义 时间差shíjiānchā
1.排球运动上指守方队员跳起拦网下落后攻方队员才攻球这两者之间短暂的时间差距,这种进攻方法叫打时间差{(in volleyball game) time difference; difference between the time when a defending player jumps up to block and begins to land and the time an attacking player pounds a smash. This offensive move is called attack with a time difference.}:
北京队打了个,赢得一分。{The Beijing team won a point by attacking with a time difference.}
2.泛指可以利用的两事之间的时间差距{(in a broad sense) time difference between two matters}:
商贩利用南北方水果成熟期不同的牟利。{Traders make use of the north-south difference in the fruit's ripening time to make profits.}




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