

字词 时而
释义 时而shí'ér〈副词adv.
1.表示不定时地重复发生{from time to time; sometimes; occur repeatedly now and then}:
天空中,飘过几片薄薄的白云。{Every now and then several wisps of fleecy cloud drift across the sky.}
2.叠用,表示不同的现象或事情在一定时间内交替发生{[used in pairs, indicating the alternating of different phenomena or events within a time period] now ... now ...; sometimes ... sometimes ...}:
这几天晴天,下雨{The weather has been changeable these days — one moment it is fine, and the next it rains!}|他们兴高采烈,引吭高歌,婆娑起舞。{They were in high spirits, now singing joyfully in loud voices, now launching themselves in graceful dance.}




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