

字词 新文化运动
释义 新文化运动xīn wénhuà yùndòng指我国五四运动前后的文化革命运动。五四运动前,主要内容是反对科举,提倡办学校,反对旧学,提倡新学,是资产阶级旧民主主义的新文化与封建阶级的旧文化的斗争。五四运动后,成为无产阶级领导人民大众,在社会科学和文学艺术领域中反帝反封建的新民主主义的文化运动。{New Culture Movement; revolutionary cultural movement around the period of the May 4th Movement in 1919. Before the May 4th Movement, this movement was opposed to the imperial civil examination system and the old learning, and advocated the establishment of schools and new learning, and it represented the struggle between the new culture of old democracy and the old culture of the feudal classes. After the May 4th Movement, it became the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal new democratic culture movement of the people led by the proletariat in social sciences and in the fields of literature and art.}




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