

字词 一路
释义 一路yīlù
1.在整个行程中;沿路{all the way; throughout the journey}:
平安{bon voyage}|顺风{have a good journey}|上庄稼长势很好,一片丰收景象{The crops along the way are growing well, promising a bumper harvest.}|上大家说说笑笑,很热闹。{People chatted cheerfully all the way, and the atmosphere was very lively indeed.}
2.同一类{of the same kind, type, category or sort}:
{the same kind of people; birds of a feather}|{one of a kind}|老王是拘谨,小张是旷达{Old Wang belongs to the category of the overcautious, while Little Zhang belongs to the category of the broad-minded.}
3.一起(来、去、走){go the same way; take the same route}:
咱们{Let's go the same way.}|我跟他来的。{He and I came the same way.}
4.〈方dial.一个劲ㄦ; 一直{continuously; persistently}:
铝价下跌。{The price of aluminum keeps dropping.}




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