

释义 撑(撐)chēng
1.抵住{prop up; support}:
两手着下巴沉思。{be lost in a reverie with one's chin on both hands}
2.用篙抵住河底使船行进{punt; propel a boat by pushing a pole against the bottom of a river}:
船。{punt (a boat); pole}
3.支持{maintain; support}:
说得他自己也不住,笑了。{He couldn't help laughing in the middle of his speech.}
4.张开{open; unfurl}:
{open an umbrella}|把麻袋的口ㄦ开。{hold open a sack}
5.充满到容不下的程度{fill to the point of bursting}:
少吃点,别{Don't eat so much, or you'll burst.}|装得连口袋都破了。{The sack was stuffed so full that it burst open.}




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