

字词 五音
释义 五音wǔyīn
1.中国五声音阶上的五个级,相当于现行简谱上的1、2、3、5、6。古代叫宫、商、角、徵(zhǐ)、羽。{Five notes of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, i.e. gong, shang, jue, zhi, yu, equivalent to 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in the numbered musical notation}
2.音韵学上指五类声母在口腔中的五类发音部位,即喉音、牙音、舌音、齿音、唇音。{five points of consonant articulation in the oral cavity, namely, guttural sounds, dental sounds, apical sounds, dental sounds and labial sounds}処q




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