释义 |
五十步笑百步wǔshí bù xiào bǎi bù战国时候,孟子跟梁惠王谈话,打了一个比方,有两个兵士在前线上败下来,一个退了五十步,另一个退了一百步。退了五十步的就讥笑退了一百步的,说他不中用。其实两个人都是在退却,只是跑得远近不同罢了(见于《孟子·梁惠王上》)。{Those who retreat 50 paces laugh at those who retreat 100 paces. According to Mencius·Duke Hui of Liang (I), during the Warring States Period, Mencius told Duke Hui of Liang a story by way of analogy, saying that two soldiers were defeated at the battlefront and retreated, one by 50 paces and the other 100 paces. The one who retreated 50 paces laughed at the other who retreated 100 paces, saying that the latter was no good. As a matter of fact, Mencius concluded, they both retreated, the mere difference being only the distance.}〈比喻fig.〉自己跟别人有同样的缺点或错误,只是程度上轻一些,却讥笑别人。{the pot calls the kettle black; one who has the same shortcomings or mistakes as another, but to a lesser degree, laughs at the other} |