

释义 亏(虧)kuī
1.受损失;亏折{suffer loss; deficit}:
{lose money in business}|{profit and loss}|{financial loss}|做生意了。{lose money in business}
2.欠缺;短少{insufficient; shortage}:
{anaemia}|{inadequate reason; unreasonable}|一篑。{fail to achieve success for lack of one last effort}
3.亏负{disappoint; treat unfairly}:
{feel guilty}|人不地,地不{Good harvest comes from well-tended farmland.}|你放心吧,我不了你。{Rest assured that I'll be fair with you.}
4.多亏;幸亏{due to; thanks to}:
他提醒我,我才想起来。{I'd have forgotten about it if he had not reminded me.}
5.反说,表示讥讽{[expression of irony]}:
这样不合理的话,倒你说得出来{How could you make such unreasonable remarks.}|你还是哥哥,一点也不知道让着弟弟。{What an elder brother you are, being so mean to your younger brother.}Dk




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