

字词 报销
释义 报销bàoxiāo
1.把领用款项或收支账目开列清单,报告上级核销{submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement}:
车费可以凭票{Bus fares can be reimbursed by handing in the tickets.}
2.把用坏作废的物件报告销账。{report damaged or rejected articles so they can be struck off the list}
3.〈比喻fig.从现有的人或物中除掉(多含诙谐意){(oft. humor.) write off; wipe out}:
桌上的菜他一个人全给{He devoured all the dishes on the table.}|我们两面夹攻,一个班的敌人很快就了。{We closed in from both sides, and quickly wiped out a squad of the enemy forces.}




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