

释义 1
1.用手或器具撞击物体{knock or hit by hand or using a tool}:
{knock at the door}|鼓。{beat a drum}
2.器皿、蛋类等因撞击而破碎{break; smash (a container, egg, etc.)}:
{The bowl is broken.}|鸡飞蛋{The hen has flown away and the eggs are broken.}
3.殴打;攻打{beat; fight; attack}:
{fight}|援。{attack enemy reinforcements}
4.发生与人交涉的行为{deal with sb. or sth.}:
官司{go to court}|交道。{come into contact with}
5.建造;修筑{construct; build}:
{construct a dam}|墙。{build a wall}
6.制造(器物、食品){make (articles of daily use or food)}:
{forge a knife}|家具{make furniture}|烧饼。{make sesame seed cakes}
7.搅拌{mix; stir; beat}:
馅ㄦ{stir filling}|糨子。{mix paste}
8.{tie up; pack}:
包裹{pack one's luggage}|铺盖卷ㄦ{pack one's bedding}|裹腿。{wind a puttee}
9.编织{knit; weave}:
草鞋{weave straw sandals}|毛衣。{knit a sweater}
10.涂抹;画;印{draw; paint; make a mark on}:
{wax}|个问号{put a question mark}|墨线{draw an ink line}|格子{draw squares}|戳子{put a stamp}|图样ㄦ。{paint a picture}
11.揭;凿开{open; dig}:
开盖子{take off the lid}|{dig ice}|{dig a well}|眼ㄦ。{drill a hole}
12.举;提{hoist; raise}:
旗子{unfurl a banner}|灯笼{carry a lantern}|{hold an umbrella}|帘子{raise the curtain}起精神来。{cheer up}
13.放射;发出{send; dispatch; project}:
{thunder}|{fire a cannon}|信号{give a signal}|电话。{make a phone call}
14.付给或领取(证件){issue or receive (a certificate)}:
介绍信。{write out a letter of introduction for sb.}
15.除去{remove; get rid of}:
旁杈。{prune the side branches}
16.舀取{ladle; scoop}:
{scoop up water}|粥。{ladle gruel}
{buy oil}|{buy a drink}|车票。{buy a bus ticket}
18.捉(禽兽等){catch; hunt}:
{shoot birds}|鱼。{catch fish}
19.用割、砍等动作来收集{gather in; reap; collect}:
{gather firewood}|草。{collect grass}
20.定出;计算{calculate; reckon; estimate; work out}:
草稿{work out a draft}|主意{think of a plan}|成本二百块钱。{estimate or reckon the cost at 200 yuan}做;从事{do; engage in}:
杂ㄦ{do odds and ends}|游击{fight a guerrilla warfare; work, eat or sleep in no fixed place}|埋伏{lie in ambush or keep sth. in reserve}|前站。{act as an advance party}做某种游戏{play}:
{play ball}|扑克{play cards}|秋千。{go on the swing}表示身体上的某些动作{[indicating some physical actions]}:
手势{make a gesture}|哈欠{yawn}|嗝ㄦ{hiccup}|踉跄{stagger}|前失{stumble}|滚ㄦ{roll about}|晃ㄦ(huàngr)。{sway before falling down}采取某种方式{adopt certain means}:
官腔{talk like a bureaucrat}|比喻{draw an analogy}|马虎眼。{act dumb}
12.定(某种罪名){convict sb. of a crime}:
他曾被成右派。{He was convicted as a Rightist.}




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