字词 | 打 |
释义 | ~门{knock at the door}|~鼓。{beat a drum} 碗~了{The bowl is broken.}|鸡飞蛋~。{The hen has flown away and the eggs are broken.} ~架{fight}|~援。{attack enemy reinforcements} ~官司{go to court}|~交道。{come into contact with} ~坝{construct a dam}|~墙。{build a wall} ~刀{forge a knife}|~家具{make furniture}|~烧饼。{make sesame seed cakes} ~馅ㄦ{stir filling}|~糨子。{mix paste} ~包裹{pack one's luggage}|~铺盖卷ㄦ{pack one's bedding}|~裹腿。{wind a puttee} ~草鞋{weave straw sandals}|~毛衣。{knit a sweater} ~蜡{wax}|~个问号{put a question mark}|~墨线{draw an ink line}|~格子{draw squares}|~戳子{put a stamp}|~图样ㄦ。{paint a picture} ~开盖子{take off the lid}|~冰{dig ice}|~井{dig a well}|~眼ㄦ。{drill a hole} ~旗子{unfurl a banner}|~灯笼{carry a lantern}|~伞{hold an umbrella}|~帘子{raise the curtain}◇~起精神来。{cheer up} ~雷{thunder}|~炮{fire a cannon}|~信号{give a signal}|~电话。{make a phone call} ~介绍信。{write out a letter of introduction for sb.} ~旁杈。{prune the side branches} ~水{scoop up water}|~粥。{ladle gruel} ~油{buy oil}|~酒{buy a drink}|~车票。{buy a bus ticket} ~鸟{shoot birds}|~鱼。{catch fish} ~柴{gather firewood}|~草。{collect grass} ~草稿{work out a draft}|~主意{think of a plan}|成本~二百块钱。{estimate or reckon the cost at 200 yuan}做;从事{do; engage in}: ~杂ㄦ{do odds and ends}|~游击{fight a guerrilla warfare; work, eat or sleep in no fixed place}|~埋伏{lie in ambush or keep sth. in reserve}|~前站。{act as an advance party}做某种游戏{play}: ~球{play ball}|~扑克{play cards}|~秋千。{go on the swing}表示身体上的某些动作{[indicating some physical actions]}: ~手势{make a gesture}|~哈欠{yawn}|~嗝ㄦ{hiccup}|~踉跄{stagger}|~前失{stumble}|~滚ㄦ{roll about}|~晃ㄦ(huàngr)。{sway before falling down}采取某种方式{adopt certain means}: ~官腔{talk like a bureaucrat}|~比喻{draw an analogy}|~马虎眼。{act dumb} 他曾被~成右派。{He was convicted as a Rightist.} |
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