

字词 买空卖空
释义 买空卖空mǎi kōng mài kōng
1.一种商业投机行为,投机的对象多为股票、公债、外币、黄金等,或者预料价格要涨而买进后再卖出,或者预料价格要跌而卖出后再买进,买时并不付款取货,卖时也并不交货收款,只是就一进一出间的差价结算盈余或亏损。{speculate on the rise and fall of the prices of stocks, treasury bonds, foreign currency, gold, etc., buying in anticipation of a price rise for the purpose of reselling, or selling in anticipation of a price fall for the purpose of buying again, with transactions done without goods or money changing hands but by calculating the gains or losses on the basis of the differences between purchase and sale}
2.〈比喻fig.招摇撞骗,搞投机活动。{swindle; profiteer}




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