

字词 买椟还珠
释义 买椟还珠mǎi dú huán zhū楚国人到郑国去卖珍珠,把珍珠装在匣子里,匣子装饰得很华贵。郑国人就买下匣子,把珍珠退还了(见于《韩非子·外储说左上》)。{Hanfeizi·Outer Repository of Persuasions (Upper Left):
When a merchant of the state of Chu went to the state of Zheng to sell a pearl contained in a glamorous box, a local man bought the box and returned the pearl to the merchant.}
〈比喻fig.没有眼光,取舍不当。{keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls — show lack of judgement; make the wrong choice; attend to the superficial and neglect the essential}




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