

字词 恶性肿瘤
释义 恶性肿瘤èxìng zhǒngliú肿瘤的一种,周围没有包膜,细胞异常增生,形状、大小很不规则,与正常组织之间的界限不明显。能在体内转移,破坏性很大。癌和肉瘤都属于恶性肿瘤。{malignant tumour; tumour that has no membrane covering it, whose cells grow abnormally and quickly in irregular shapes and sizes, with no clear demarcation between the tumour and the normal tissues; possessing destructive abilities and able to move to different parts of the body. Cancer and sarcoma are malignant tumours.}通称{generally called}毒瘤{dúliú}




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