

释义 kuài
1.速度高;走路、做事等费的时间短(跟‘慢’相对as opposed to ‘slow’}){fast; quick; rapid; swift}:
{express train; express bus}|{quick steps}|好省{greater, faster, better, and more economical}|他进步很{He has made rapid progress.}
2.快慢的程度{rate; speed}:
这种汽车在柏油路上能跑多?{How fast can this car go on a tarry road?}
3.赶快;从速{hurry up; make haste}:
来帮忙{Hurry up and give me a hand.}|送医院抢救。{send sb. immediately to the hospital for emergency treatment}
4.快要;将要{soon; be about to}:
你再等一会ㄦ,他回来了{Please wait a little longer; he'll be back soon.}|他从事教育工作四十年了。{He's been engaged in educational work for nearly forty years.}
5.灵敏{quick-witted; nimble; clever}:
脑子{quick-witted; have a quick mind}|眼疾手{sharp of eye and deft of hand}
6.(刀、剪、斧子等)锋利(跟‘钝’相对as opposed to ‘blunt’of knife, scissors, axe, etc.}){sharp}:
菜刀不了,你去磨一磨。{The kitchen knife is no longer sharp, go and have it sharpened.}
7.爽快;痛快;直截了当{straightforward; forthright; plain-spoken}:
语。{forthright person and straightforward speech}
8.愉快;高兴;舒服{pleased; happy; gratified}:
{pleasant sensation; delight}|拍手称{clap for joy}|人心。{to the immense joy of the public}
9.〈旧时old指专管缉捕的差役{yamen runner or officer charged with making arrests}:
{yamen runner arresting criminals}|{mounted constable in charge of arresting people}




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