

字词 形而上学
释义 形而上学xíng'érshàngxué
1.哲学史上指哲学中探究宇宙根本原理的部分。{metaphysics; branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental principles of the universe}
2.同辩证法相对立的世界观或方法论。它用孤立、静止、片面的观点看世界,认为一切事物都是孤立的,永远不变的;如果说有变化,只是数量的增减和场所的变更,这种增减或变更的原因不在事物内部而在于事物外部。{metaphysics; world outlook or methodology as opposed to dialectics, which maintains that things are eternally isolated from each other and immutable, and that such change as there can be is only an increase or decrease in quantity or a change of place — the cause of such an increase or decrease or change of place lies not inside things but outside them.}‖也叫also玄学{xuánxué}




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