

字词 形式主义
释义 形式主义xíngshì zhǔyì
1.片面地注重形式不管实质的工作作风,或只看事物的现象而不分析其本质的思想方法。{formalism; style of work of paying unilateral attention to form regardless of the substance; way of thinking that pays attention to the phenomena of things without analysing its essence}
2.19世纪末到20世纪初形成的一种反现实主义的艺术思潮,主要特征是脱离现实生活,否认艺术的思想内容,只在表现形式上标新立异。{formalism; anti-realistic art trend of thought that rose during the interregnum between the 19th and 20th centuries, its main characteristics being divorce from real life, negation of the ideological content of art, and obsession with unconventional forms of expression}




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