释义 |
引子yǐn·zi 1.南曲、北曲的套曲中的第一支曲子。{(in southern and northern tunes of Chinese opera) the first of a series of melodies} 2.戏曲角色初上场时所念的一段词句,有时唱和念相间。{(in traditional opera) performer's opening words, sometimes spoken and sung alternately} 3.某些乐曲的开始部分,有酝酿情绪、提示内容等作用。{introductory music; beginning part of some music, intended to incite the audience's emotions or introduce the content of the music} 4.〈比喻fig.〉引起正文的话或启发别人发言的话{comments that introduce texts; words that inspire others to speak}: 这一段话是下文的~{This paragraph is an introduction to what follows.}|我简单说几句做个~,希望大家多发表意见。{I'll just say a few words to start the ball rolling.} 5.药引子。{added ingredient (to enhance the efficacy of medicines)} |