

释义 1(開)kāi
1.使关闭着的东西不再关闭;打开{open; switch on}:
{open the door}|{unlock; open a lock}|箱子{open a box}|口。{keep one's mouth shut}
2.打通;开辟{open up; reclaim}:
{blaze a trail; cut out a path}|{open up a mine; work a mine}|墙上了个窗口{open a window in the wall}|了三千亩水田。{(They) reclaimed 3,000 mu of paddy fields.}
3.(合拢或连接的东西)展开;分离{unfold; detach}:
桃树花了{The peach trees are in blossom.}|扣ㄦ{The knot has come undone.}|两块木板没粘好,又了。{The glue failed to hold the two planks tight; they ripped once again.}
4.(河流)解冻{(of a river) thaw}:
了。{The river thawed.}
5.解除(封锁、禁令、限制等){lift; rescind (blockade, embargo, limitation, etc.)}:
{break an abstinence}|{lift a ban}|{resume a meat diet; end of Ramadan}|释。{release (a prisoner); be acquitted}
6.发动或操纵(枪、炮、车、船、飞机、机器等){rev up; start; operate (a gun, cannon, vehicle, ship, plane, machine, etc.)}:
{open fire}|汽车{drive a car}|拖拉机{drive a tractor}|火车了。{The train has started.}
7.(队伍)开拔{(of an army) depart; set out}:
昨天来两团人,今天又走了。{The two regiments that arrived yesterday left today.}
工厂{run a factory}|医院。{open a hospital}
9.开始{begin; start}:
{start operation; begin production}|{begin a new school year; school begins}|演。{begin a performance}
10.举行(会议、座谈会、展览会等){hold (a meeting, symposium and exhibition, etc.)}:
{attend a meeting; hold a meeting}|运动会{hold a sports meet}|欢送会。{give a farewell party}
11.写出(多指单据、信件等);说出(价钱){make out (a receipt, letter, etc.); announce (a price; etc.)}:
{quote a price}|发票{make out an invoice}|药方{write out a prescription}|清单{make a complete list of expenses (inventory, payments, etc.)}|介绍信。{write out a letter of introduction}
12.支付;开销(工资、车费){pay (wages, fares)}:
{pay a salary}|饷。{pay wages}
13.〈方dial.开革;开除{sack; fire}:
过去资本家随便掉我们工人。{In the past the capitalists could sack us workers any time they wanted.}
了。{The water is boiling.}
15.摆上(饭菜、酒席){serve a meal; lay the table}:
{serve a meal}|{set a banquet}|三份客饭。{A meal for three, please.}
16.〈方dial.{eat up}:
他把包子都了。{He ate up all the steamed stuffed buns.}
17.用在动词或形容词后。{[after a verb or adjective]}a)表示扩大或扩展{extend; spread}:
喜讯传了。{The good news has spread out.}b)表示开始并继续下去{start and keep going}:
下了两天雨,天就冷{It turned cold after two days of raining.}|天还没亮,大家就干了。{Everybody began to work before the daybreak.}
三七{30-70 split}
19.印刷上指相当于整张纸的若干分之一{book or paper size, given by folding a sheet of paper for a specified number of times}:
20.(Kāi)姓。{a surname}




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