释义 |
康采恩kāngcǎi'ēn资本主义垄断组织的形式之一。它由不同经济部门的许多企业,包括工业企业、贸易公司、银行、运输公司和保险公司等联合组成。目的在于垄断销售市场、争夺原料产地和投资场所,以攫取高额利润。它操纵经济命脉,控制国家机器,决定国家的对内对外政策。{concern; form of capitalist monopoly composed of industrial enterprises, trading companies, banks, shipping companies, insurance companies, etc. for the purpose of monopolizing the market, seizing raw-material supplying areas and sites of investment, so as to achieve high profits. A concern also manipulates key branches of a national economy, controls the state apparatus, and decides domestic and foreign state policies.}[德{German: }Konzern] |