释义 |
度dù 1.计量长短{linear measure}: ~量衡。{length, capacity and weight measures} 2.表明物质的有关性质所达到的程度,如硬度、热度、浓度、湿度等。{degree of hardness, heat, density, humidity} 3.计量单位名称。{unit of measurement}a)弧或角,把圆周分为360等份所成的弧叫1度弧。1度弧所对的圆心角叫1度角。1度等于60分。{degree for arcs and angles, with the circumstance of a circle divided into 360 degrees and a degree subdivided into 60 minutes}b)经度或纬度,如北纬38度。{longitude or latitude, e.g. 38 degrees north latitude}c)电量,1度即1千瓦小时。{kilowatt-hour (kwh)} 4.程度{extent; degree}: 极~{extraordinary}|知名~{fame}|透明~{transparency; openness}|高~的责任感。{strong sense of duty} 5.限度{limit}: 劳累过~{be tired from overwork}|以能熔化为~。{to the point of melting} 6.章程;行为准则{constitution; principles}: 法~{law}|制~。{system; institution} 7.哲学上指一定事物保持自己质的数量界限。在这个界限内,量的增减不改变事物的质,超过这个界限,就要引起质变。{(philos.) cross-over point (between quantitative and qualitative change)} 8.对人对事宽容的程度{tolerance}: ~量{tolerance; magnanimity}|气~。{tolerance} 9.人的气质或姿态{temperament; mien; bearing}: 风~{bearing}|态~。{attitude} 10.一定范围内的时间或空间{space or time of a certain extent}: 年~{year}|国~。{country} 11.所打算或计较的{consideration; calculation}: 生死早已置之~外。{give no thought to personal safety} 12.〈量词classifier〉次{occasion; time}: 再~声明{proclaim once again}|一年一~{once a year; yearly}|这个剧曾两~公演。{The play has been staged twice.} 13.过(指时间){spend; pass}: 欢~春节{joyously celebrate the Spring Festival}|光阴没有虚~。{have not frittered away one's time} 14.僧尼道士劝人出家。{(of Buddhist monks or nuns, or Taoist priests) (try to) convert} 15.(Dù)姓。{a surname} ⇒度duó |