释义 |
广州起义Guǎngzhōu Qǐyì中国共产党为了挽救第一次国内革命战争的失败,于1927年12月11日在广州举行的武装起义。领导人有张太雷、叶挺、叶剑英等。由工人和革命士兵三万余人组成的起义部队,经过英勇奋战,占领了市内绝大部分地区,建立了工农民主政权——广州公社。后在敌人反扑下失败。{Guangzhou Uprising; organized and led by the Communist Party of China on December 11, 1927 in the hope of turning the tide after losing the First Revolutionary Civil War. Under the leadership of Zhang Tailei, Ye Ting, Ye Jianying, and others, the uprising troops, composed of over 30,000 workers and revolutionary soldiers, battled gallantly and seized most parts of the city, setting up the Guangzhou Commune, a democratic government run by workers and peasants. Later, under fierce enemy counter-attack, the Guangzhou Uprising failed.} |