

字词 干支
释义 干支gānzhī天干和地支的合称。拿十干的‘甲、丙、戊、庚、壬’和十二支的‘子、寅、辰、午、申、戌’相配,十干的‘乙、丁、己、辛、癸’和十二支的‘丑、卯、巳、未、酉、亥’相配,共配成六十组,用来表示年、月、日的次序,周而复始,循环使用。干支最初是用来纪日的,后来多用来纪年,现农历的年份仍用干支。{Heavenly Stems (jia, yi, bing, ding, wu, ji, geng, xin, ren, gui) and the 12 Earthly Branches (zi, chou, yin, mao, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, hai). Each Heavenly Stem pairs up alternatively with each of the Earthly Branches to form 60 pairs that are used in a recurrent cycle to designate years, months and dates. This system was employed to mark dates in the beginning, but was mostly used to mark years in a later stage, a practice that is still followed in the Chinese lunar calendar.}




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