

释义 5(乾)gān
1.没有水分或水分很少{dry}(跟‘湿’相对as opposed to ‘wet’}):
{dry}|{dry firewood}|油漆未{wet paint}|衣服晾了。{The washing has aired dry.}
2.不用水的{without use of water}:
{dry cleaning}|馏法。{dry distillation}
3.({gānr})加工制成的干的食品{dried food}:
{biscuit}|葡萄{raisin}|豆腐ㄦ。{dried bean curd}
4.空虚;空无所有{empty; hollow}:
外强中{outwardly strong but inwardly weak}|钱都花了。{The money has been used up.}
5.只具形式的{merely a matter of form}:
{hollow laugh}|号(háo)。{cry aloud without tears; affected wailing}
6.指拜认的亲属关系{taken into nominal kinship}:
7.徒然;白{in vain; to no purpose; for nothing}:
着急{be anxious but helpless to do anything}|瞪眼{look on in despair; unable to help}|打雷,不下雨。{all thunder but no rain; pay lip service to}
8.〈方dial.形容说话太直太粗(不委婉){(of speech) excessively vulgar and blunt}:
你说话别那么{Don't be so coarse.}
9.〈方dial.当面说气话或抱怨的话使人难堪{embarrass sb. by making sarcastic remarks or complaining about him to his face}:
我又了他一顿。{I embarrassed him once again.}
10.〈方dial.慢待;置之不理{leave sb. out in the cold; give sb. the cold shoulder}:
主人走了,把咱们起来了。{The host left, leaving us to ourselves.}




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