

释义 2(帶)dài
1.随身拿着;携带{carry with oneself; take; bring}:
行李{bring along one's luggage}|干粮。{take some food with oneself}
2.捎带着做某事{do sth. incidentally or in passing}:
上街包茶叶来(捎带着买){Get me some tea while you are out.}|你出去请把门上(随手关上)。{Please shut the door after you.}
3.呈现;显出{show; have; bear}:
笑容。{wear a smile}
4.含有{have sth. hidden inside}:
这瓜点ㄦ苦味{This melon has a slightly bitter taste.}|说话刺ㄦ。{These remarks smack of sarcasm.}
5.连着;附带{have sth. attached; while}:
叶的橘子{tangerines fresh with leaves}|连说{talking and laughing}|放牛割草。{cut grass while herding cattle}
6.引导;领{lead; head}:
{head a group or team}|徒弟。{train or take on an apprentice}
7.带动{drive; promote; give impetus to}:
以点{use the experience of pilot units to promote progress in an entire area}|他这样一来得大家都勤快了。{In this way he encouraged all to be diligent.}




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