释义 |
岁差suìchā由于太阳和月亮的引力对地球赤道的作用,使地轴在黄道轴的周围作圆锥形的运动,缓慢西移,约25,800年环绕一周,同时引起春分点以每年50.2秒的速度西移,使回归年比恒星年短,这种现象叫做岁差。{precession of the equinoxes. Owing to the gravitation of the sun and the moon towards the earth's equator, the earth's axis revolves around the zodiacal axis in such a way as to describe a cone, gradually moving westward. A complete cycle takes about 25,800 years, during the course of which the equinoctial point moves westward 50.2 seconds each successive year, with the result that the solar year is shorter than the sidereal year. This phenomenon is called the precession of the equinoxes.} |