

释义 jiān
1.末端细小;尖锐{tiny end; sharp}:
把铅笔削{sharpen a pencil}|下巴颏ㄦ。{pointed chin}
2.声音高而细{high-pitched; shrill; piercing}:
{in a shrill voice}|嗓子。{shrill voice}
3.(耳、目、鼻子)灵敏{(of ears, eyes, nose) sharp; acute; keen}:
{sharp eyes}|耳朵{have sharp ears; be sharp-eared}|他鼻子得很,有一点异味都闻得出。{He has a sharp nose and can sense even a little offensive smell.}
着嗓子喊。{She screamed at the top of her voice.}
5.({jiānr})物体锐利的末端或细小的头ㄦ{point; tip}:
{tip of a pen}|{tip of a needle}|{tip of a knife}|{pinnacle of a pagoda}
6.({jiānr})出类拔萃的人或物品{best of its kind; pick of the bunch; cream of the crop}:
ㄦ货{top notch person}|姐妹三个里头就数她是个ㄦ。{She is top-notch among the three sisters.}
{stingy}|这人可了,一点ㄦ亏也不吃。{This man is very stingy, and never loses anything.}
8.尖刻{acrimonious; caustic; biting}:
他嘴,说话不留情面。{He speaks with biting sarcasm, and never spares the feelings of others.}




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