

释义 对(對)duì
1.回答{answer; reply}:
{answer; reply}|无言以{have nothing to say in reply}
2.对待;对付{treat; cope with; counter}:
事不{be concerned with the facts rather than individuals}|症下药{suit the medicine to the illness}|刀,枪枪。{sword against sword and spear against spear}
3.朝着;向着(常跟‘着’{oft. followed by 着·zhe}){be trained on; be directed at}:
着镜子理理头发{smooth one's hair while looking in the mirror}|枪口着敌人。{train a gun on an enemy}
4.二者相对;彼此相向{facing each other; face to face; vis-a-vis}:
{exchange}|{convection}|{contradict}|抗。{antagonism; oppose}
5.对面的;敌对的{opposite; opposing}:
{opposite bank; other side of the river}|{the other side; opposite side; the other party}|{opponent; adversary; rival}|{set one against; be antagonistic to; oppose}
6.使两个东西配合或接触{bring (two things) into contact; fit one into the other}:
对子{make a couplet; provide the second of a pair of antithetical sentences}|把门{fit the doorflaps}|个火ㄦ。{ask sb. for a light to light a cigarette}
7.投合;适合{suit; agree; get along}:
劲ㄦ{be to one's liking; suit sb.}|心眼ㄦ{find each other's company congenial}|两个人越说越投缘,越说越脾气。{The more the two talked, the more they found each other's company congenial.}
8.把两个东西放在一起互相比较,看是否符合;对证{compare; check; identify}:
{confrontation in a law court between two parties}|{proofread}|{set one's watch; synchronize watches}|笔迹{identify handwriting}|号码。{check numbers}
9.调整使合于一定标准{adjust; tune up}:
好照相机的焦距{adjust the focus of a camera}|拿胡琴来弦。{tune the huqin fiddle}
10.相合;正确;正常{right; correct; true; normal}:
你的话很{What you say is quite right.}|,就这么办{All right, just go ahead.}|数目不,还差得多{This figure is wrong by a large amount.}|神气不{Don't give yourself airs.}
11.搀和(多指液体){(usu. of liquid) mix; add; adulterate}:
茶壶里点ㄦ开水{add some boiling water to the tea pot}|朱砂里上一点ㄦ藤黄。{mix some gamboge in the cinnabar}
12.平均分成两份{divide into halves}:
半ㄦ{half-and-half; fifty-fifty}|开纸。{folio}
13.({duìr})对子{antitheticalcouplet; couplet}:
{wedding couplet}|五言ㄦ。{five-syllable couplets}
14.({duìr})〈量词classifier{pair; couplet}:
鹦鹉{a pair of parrots}|ㄦ椅子{a pair of chairs}|模范夫妻。{a model couple}
15.〈介词prep.用法基本上跟‘对于’相同{[usage similar to 对于 duìyú] with regard to; concerning; to}:
他表示谢意{extend thanks to him}|决不困难屈服{never submit to difficulties}|你的话我有启发{Your remarks are inspiring to me.}|大家他这件事很不满意。{Nobody feels satisfied with what he has done.}[注意]NOTE:
‘对’和‘对于’的用法差不多, 但是‘对’所保留的动词性较强,因此有些用‘对’的句子不能改用‘对于’,如上面头两个例子。{Though used roughly in the same way, 对duì and 对于duìyú are not always interchangeable, as 对 is used in a more verbal sense, as is shown in the first two examples.}




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