

释义 jiā
1.家庭;人家{family; household}:
有五口人{There are five people in his family.}|和王是亲戚。{The Zhangs and the Wangs are relatives.}
{go home}|这ㄦ就是我的{This is my home.}|我的在上海。{My home is in Shanghai.}
3.借指部队或机关中某个成员工作的处所{work place for a certain member in an army unit or a government office}:
我找到营部,刚好营长不在{I went to the battalion headquarters, but the battalion commander was not in.}
4.经营某种行业的人家或具有某种身份的人{person or family engaged in a certain trade}:
{farmer}|{fisherman}|{boatman; shipowner; person who owns a boat or a ship and makes a living as a boatman or a shipowner}|{proprietor; boss; master; family for which a servant works}|行(háng){expert; specialist}
5.掌握某种专门学识或从事某种专门活动的人{specialist; person who has a certain special knowledge or is engaged in certain special business}:
{expert; specialist}|{painter}|政治{statesman; politician}|科学{scientist}|艺术{artist}|社会活动{social activist}
6.学术流派{school; school of thought}:
{Confucianists}|{Legalists}|争鸣{contention of one hundred schools of thought; let one hundred schools of thought contend}|之言。{one school of thought}
7.指相对各方中的一方{one side; one party}:
{person who sits on the left}|{person who sits on the right}|{state; public; organization; collective}|下成和棋。{The two sides played to a draw in the chess game.}
8.〈谦辞hum.用于对别人称自己的辈分高或年纪大的亲属{[used when speaking of relatives older than oneself] I; my}:
{my father}|兄。{my elder brother}
9.饲养的(跟‘野’相对as opposed to ‘wild’}){domestic}:
{domestic animals}|{poultry}|{rabbit}|鸽。{pigeon}
这只小鸟已经养了,放了它也不会飞走。{This bird has been domesticated. It will not fly away even if you release it.}
11.〈量词classifier用来计算家庭或企业{[for families and business establishments]}:
人家{one family}|饭馆{two restaurants}|商店。{three shops}
12.(Jiā)姓。{a surname}




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