

释义 hài
1.祸害;害处(跟‘利、益’相对as opposed to ‘benefit, advantage’}){harm; damage; disadvantage; calamity}:
{disaster; calamity}|{insect pests}|为民除{rid the people of a scourge}|吸烟对身体有{Smoking is bad for one's health.}
2.有害的(跟‘益’相对as opposed to ‘beneficial’}){harmful; destructive; injurious}:
{pest}|鸟。{harmful bird}
3.使受损害{do harm to; impair; cause trouble to}:
人不浅{do people great harm; cause (or inflict) deep injury to sb.}|你把地址搞错了,得我白跑了一趟。{You gave me the wrong address and made me go all that way for nothing.}
4.杀害{kill; murder}:
{be killed or assassinated}
5.发生疾病{contract or suffer from (an illness)}:
{suffer from eye trouble or disease}|了一场大病。{contract a serious illness; fall seriously ill; be seized by a severe illness}
6.发生不安的情绪{feel uneasy (or ashamed, afraid, etc.)}:
{be shy}|怕。{be afraid}〈古arch.又同{also same as}‘曷’hé。




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