

字词 宫调
释义 宫调gōngdiào中国古乐曲的调式。唐代规定二十八调,即琵琶的四根弦上每根七调。最低的一根弦(宫弦)上的调式叫宫,其余的叫调。后来宫调的数目逐渐减少。元代杂剧,一般只用五个宫(正宫,中吕宫, 南吕宫, 仙吕宫,黄钟宫)和四个别的弦上的调(大石调, 双调,商调,越调)。这是后世所谓九宫。{gongdiao; modes of ancient Chinese music, with 28 modes in the Tang Dynasty, set according to seven modes on each of the four strings of the pipa. The modes on the string of the lowest pitch (gong string) were called gong, and the rest were called diao. In the Yuan Dynasty, the proto-drama (zaju) usu. used five gong modes (zheng, zhongl?, nanl?, xianl?, huangzhong) and four diao modes (dashi, shuang, shang, yue) on the other strings of the pipa. These are what later generations know as nine gong modes.}




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