释义 |
孺子牛rúzǐniú春秋时,齐景公与儿子嬉戏,景公叼着绳子当牛,让儿子牵着走(见于《左传》哀公六年)。后来用‘孺子牛’比喻甘愿为人民大众服务的人{herd boy's willing ox, alluding to the story in The Zuo Commentary·Duke Ai 6th Year that during the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Jing of the State of Qi once played a children's game by letting his son lead him by the rope held in his mouth like an ox. The phrase was thus become a reference to a person with utter devotion to the people}: 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为~。{Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.} |