

字词 奴隶社会
释义 奴隶社会núlì shèhuì一种社会形态,以奴隶主占有奴隶和生产资料为基础。奴隶社会的生产力比原始公社有所提高,手工业、农业和畜牧业,脑力劳动和体力劳动都有了分工,奴隶主和奴隶形成两个对立阶级,奴隶主为了镇压奴隶的反抗建立了奴隶主专政的国家。{slave society; society based on slave-owners' possession of slaves and means of production. In a slave society productivity is higher than in a primitive commune, and divisions of labour has been effected between handicraft industry, agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as between mental and manual labour, and slaves and slave-owners constitute two opposing classes, with the latter establishing a dictatorial government to suppress the former.}




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