

字词 太阳
释义 太阳tàiyáng
1.银河系的恒星之一,是一炽热的气体球,体积是地球的130万倍,质量是地球的33.34万倍,表面温度约6,000℃,内部温度约1,500万℃,内部经常不断地进行原子核反应而产生大量的热能。太阳是太阳系的中心天体,距地球约1.5亿公里。地球和其他行星都围绕着它旋转并且从它得到光和热。{sun; a fixed star in the Galaxy, a fiery gaseous ball 1.3 million times the size of the earth, with a mass 333,400 times that of the earth, a surface temperature of approximately 6,000℃ and an interior temperature of about 15 million ℃, releasing mammoth amounts of heat through constant nuclear reaction within it. The earth, approximately 150 million km. from the sun, revolves along with other planets around the sun, the centre of the solar system, and receives light and heat from it.}
2.指太阳光{sunshine; sunlight}:
今天很好。{It's a fine day today.}
3.指太阳穴。{(of the human head) temples}




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