

释义 1
1.写字绘画的用品,是用煤烟或松烟等制成的黑色块状物,间或有用其他材料制成别种颜色的,也指用墨和水研出来的汁{China (or Chinese) ink; ink stick; black stick made of coal soot or burned pine soot for writing, painting, etc., occasionally of other materials for different colours}:
一块{an ink stick}|一锭{an ink stick}|{rub an ink stick on an inkslab}|纸砚{writing brush, ink stick, paper and inkslab}|太稠了。{The ink is too thick.}
2.泛指写字、绘画或印刷用的某种颜料{(in a broad sense) pigment; ink}:
{ink (liquid)}|{printing ink}
3.借指写的字和画的画{handwriting or painting}:
{treasured scrolls of calligraphy or painting}|{letters, manuscripts, paintings, calligraphy left behind by a deceased}
4.〈比喻fig.学问或读书识字的能力{learning or the ability to read}:
胸无点{uneducated; unlearned; unlettered; completely illiterate}
5.木工打直线用的墨线,借指规矩、准则{carpenter's line marker; rules and regulations}:
{carpenter's line marker or ink marker}|{carpenter's ink square}
6.{black; pitch-dark}:
{dark chrysanthemum}|镜。{sunglasses; dark glasses}
7.〈书fml.贪污{corruption; graft; embezzlement}:
{embezzlement}|吏。{corrupt officials}
8.古代的一种刑罚,刺面或额,染上黑色,作为标记。{tattooing the face and painting it black (a punishment in ancient China);}也叫also{qíng}
9.(Mò)指墨家。{Mohist school}
10.(Mò)姓。{a surname}€I




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