释义 |
四维空间sìwéi kōngjiān确定任何事物都需要四个坐标(空间的三个坐标和时间的一个坐标)的空间,是三维空间和时间组成的整体。这个概念是根据任何物质都同时存在于空间和时间中,空间和时间不可分割而提出的。四维空间的几何学对相对论的广泛传播有重要作用。{four-dimensional space; Four coordinates are needed to determine matter (three for space and one for time). This concept was based on the theory that any matter exists in space and time, and that space and time are inseparable. Four-dimensional geometry plays an important role in widespread dissemination of the theory of relativity.} |