

字词 不然
释义 不然bùrán
1.不是这样{not so}:
抄抄写写看起来很容易,其实{Copying a text may seem an easy job, but actually it is not the case.}
2.用在对话开头,表示否定对方的话{[used at the beginning of a sentence to express disagreement] no}:
,事情不像你说的那么简单。{No, it is not as simple as what you said.}
3.〈连词conj.表示如果不是上文所说的情况,就发生或可能发生下文所说的情况{or else; otherwise; if not}:
快走吧,,就要迟到了{Hurry up, otherwise we'll be late.}|明天我还有点事ㄦ,倒可以陪你去一趟{I've got things to do tomorrow, or I might as well go with you.}|他晚上不是读书,就是写点ㄦ什么,再就是听听音乐。{In the evening, he either reads or writes, or listens to music.}




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