

释义 yòu〈副词adv.
1.表示重复或继续{[indicating repetition or continuation] again}:
他拿着这封信看了{He took the letter and read it again and again.}|人类社会的生产活动,是一步一步地由低级向高级发展。{The production activities of the human society develop step by step from a lower stage to a higher stage.}
2.表示几种情况或性质同时存在。{[indicating the simultaneous existence of more than one situation or property]}a)单用{[used singly]}:
五四运动是反帝国主义的运动,是反封建的运动。{The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist movement, and an anti-feudal one at that.}b)连用{[used successively]}:
{quick and good}|脆。{sweet and crisp}
3.表示意思上更进一层{[indicating a progress in meaning]}:
冬季日短,是阴天,夜色早已笼罩了整个市镇。{The winter day is short, and moreover, it was overcast, so the whole town had already been shrouded in darkness.}
4.表示在某个范围之外有所补充{[indicating an addition to a given scope]}:
生活费之外,发给五十块钱做零用。{give 50 yuan as pocket money in addition to the daily allowance}
5.表示整数之外再加零数{[indicating an odd number in addition to a whole number]}:
二分之一。{one and a half}
6.表示有矛盾的两件事情(多叠用{oft. used reiteratively}){[indicating two contradictory things]}:
想去,想不去,拿不定主意。{She hesitated over whether she would go or not.}
7.表示转折,有‘可是’的意思{[indicating a turn of meaning like ‘but’]}:
刚才有个事ㄦ要问你,这会ㄦ想不起来了。{I just wanted to ask you about something, but can't remember it for the moment.}
8.用在否定句或反问句里,加强语气{[used in a negative sentence or a rhetorical question to add emphasis]}:
不是客人,还用你老陪着吗?{I'm not a guest. Why should you keep me company all the time?}




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