释义 |
共ɡònɡ ㄍㄨㄥヽ 1.同,一齐 together ( comb. -同 -tóng together; jointly):和平~处五项原则 Hépíng Gòngchǔ Wǔxiàng Yuánzé the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence/ 干部和战士同甘~苦 Gànbù hé zhànshì tónggān-gòngkǔ. (of cadres) share the comforts and hardships of the soldiers 2.总,合计 altogether; in all ( comb. -总 -zǒng altogether):一~二十人 yīgòng èrshí rén twenty people altogether/ ~计 gòngjì altogether; all in all 3.共产党的简称 a short form for 共产党 (the Communist Party):中~ Zhōnggòng the Chinese Communist Party〈古 arch.〉又同“恭(ɡōng)” Also same as “恭”.〈古 arch.〉又同“供(ɡōng)” Also same as “供”. |