释义 |
杞qǐ ㄑㄧˇ 1.植物名 plant name:1.就是“枸(gǒu)杞” Chinese wolfberry (Lycium Chinese) 2.杞柳,落叶灌木,生在水边,枝条可以编箱、笼、筐、篮等物 purple willow, a deciduous shrub growing by waterside, branches used for making baskets, trunks, etc. 2.周代诸侯国名,在今河南杞县 Qǐ,name of a state in the Zhou Dynasty, in today's Qi County, Henan Province:~人忧天(喻不必要的忧虑)qǐrén-yōutiān like the man in the state of Qi worrying in case the sky should fall (fig. groundless worries) |