

1.草本植物,种类很多,有大麻、苎麻、苘(qǐng)麻、亚麻等等。茎皮纤维通常也叫麻,可以制绳索、织布 general name for herbacuous plants such as hemp,ramie, abutilon flax, etc.; (also) fibre of hemp, flax, etc. for textile materials or for making ropes [麻烦 -fɑn]由于事物杂乱,感到费手续、难办 troublesome; inconvenient:这事真~~ Zhè shì zhēn máfɑn. This matter is really troublesome. [芝麻 zhīmɑ][脂麻 zhīmɑ]一种草本植物,茎秆略成方形。种子有白的和黑的两种,所榨的油就是平常吃的香油 sesame, a herbecuous plant that has a slightly square stem and seeds (either white or black) that can make edible oil (sesame oil)
2.像腿、臂被压后的那种不舒服的感觉 numb; feeling pins and needles:腿~了 tuǐ má le feel pins and needles in the legs/ 手发~ shǒu fāmá have one's hand numbed
3.感觉不灵或全部丧失 apathetic; numb ( comb. -木 -mù numb) [麻痹 -bì]1.身体的一部分因为神经系统的病变而发生知觉或运动的障碍 paralysis, a loss of feeling in and control of all or some of the body muscles because of pathological changes in some part of the nervous system 2.失去警惕性 loseone's guard; lose one's vigilance:~~大意 mábì dàyi be off one's guard; lack of vigilance [麻风 -fēng]俗叫“癞病”,是一种慢性传染病。病原体是麻风杆菌。患者皮肤发生斑纹或结节,知觉丧失,毛发脱落,指节烂掉 leprosy, a disease in which the skin becomes rough and thick with small round hard whitish pieces, the flesh and nerves are slowly destroyed, and fingers, toes, etc. drop off; popularly called làibìng [麻醉 -zuì]1.用药物或针刺使全身或局部暂时失去知觉 anaesthetize, make unable feel pain by using some narcotic or applying acupuncture anaesthesia and producing unconsciousness temporary 2.使人思想认识模糊,不能明辨是非 make sb. confuse his thought and knowledge so as not to distinguish right from wrong
4.表面粗糙 rough; coarse:这张纸一面光一面~ Zhè zhāng zhǐ yī miàn guāng yī miàn má. This sheet of paper is smooth on one side and rough on the other. [麻子 -zi]1.出天花留下的瘢痕 pockmarks 2.脸上有麻子的人 a person with a pockmarked face [麻疹 -zhěn]一种急性传染病,由滤过性病毒引起,儿童容易感染 measles, an infectious disease caused by filterable virus, infecting children easily




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