释义 |
料liào ㄌㄧㄠヽ 1.料想,估计,猜想 suppose; expect:预~ yùliào anticipate; expect/ 不出所~ bùchū-suǒliào within expectation; as expected/ 他~事~得很准 Tā liàoshì liào de hěn zhǔn. He can foretell things with great accuracy. 2.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)材料,可供制造其他东西的物质 material; stuff:原~ yuánliào raw material/ 木~ mùliào timber; lumber/ 衣裳~子 yīshɑng liàozi dress material/ 肥~ féiliào fertilizer; manure/ 燃~ ránliào fuel/ 这种丸药是加~的 Zhè zhǒng wányào shì jiā liào de. This kind of pill (of Chinese medicine) is reinforced. 3.喂牲口用的谷物 (grain) feed:~豆儿 liào dòur bean feed/ 草~ cǎoliào forage; fodder/ 牲口得喂~才能肥 Shēngkou děi wèi liào cái néng féi. Draught animals become fat through feeding. 4.烧料,一种熔点较低的玻璃,用来制造器皿或手工艺品 imitation frosted glass, a kind of glass that has a low melting point and that can make utensils or crafts 5.量词,中药配方全份叫一料(多用于配制丸药) meas. prescription (usu. for pills of Chinese medicine)[料理 -lǐ]办理,处理 arrange; manage:~~家务 liàolǐ jiāwù manage household affairs/ ~~丧事 liàolǐ sāngshì make arrangements for funeral[照料 zhào-]照顾 take care of; attend to:病人需要~~ bìngrén xūyào zhàoliào The patient needs attention. |