释义 |
俗sú ㄙㄨ 1.风俗 custom; convention:移风易~ yífēng-yìsú change prevailing habits and customs; transform social traditions 2.大众化的,最通行的,习见的 popular; common:~语 súyǔ common saying; folk adage/ 通~读物 tōngsú dúwù popular readings 3.趣味不高的,令人讨厌的 vulgar; of poor taste:这张画画得太~ Zhè zhāng huàr huà de tài sú. This piece of drawing is in poor taste. [庸俗 yōng-]肤浅的,鄙俗的 vulgar; low 4.指没出家的人,区别于出家的佛教徒等 layman, as distinguished from Buddhist:僧~ sēngsú monks and laymen; clerics and laymen |