

字词 便
释义 便 biàn
1.方便,顺利,没有困难或阻碍 convenient; smooth; no difficulty or no obstruction ( comb. -利 -lì convenient):行人称~ xíngrén chēngbiàn All passers-by praise the convenience./ ~于携带 biànyú xiédài easy to carry
2.简单的,非正式的 simple; informal:家常~饭 jiācháng biànfàn a homely meal; a simple meal/ ~衣 biànyī plain clothes; civilian clothes/ ~条 biàntiáor note [便宜 -yí]根据实际需要而灵活、适当地 convenient; advantageous:~~行事 biànyí-xíngshì act as one sees fit (另 piányi,见“便” pián also piányi under entry of "pián") [随便 suí-]不勉强,不拘束 casual; at ease
3.便利的时候 time of convenience:~中请来信 biànzhōng qǐng láixìn Please write me at your convenience./ 得~就送去 débiàn jiù sòngqu I'll send it to you when it is convenient.
4.屎尿或排泄屎尿 piss or shit; urine or excrement:粪~ fènbiàn excrement/ 小~ xiǎobiàn urine
5.就 then; in that case:没有一个人民的军队,~没有人民的一切 Méiyǒu yī ge rénmín de jūnduì, biàn méiyǒu rénmín de yīqiè. The people will have none of what they have now if there is not an army of the people. pián




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