

释义 kěn
1.许可,愿意 agree; consent:他不~来 Tā bù kěn lái. He wouldn't come over./ 只要你~做就能成功 Zhǐyào nǐ kěn zuò jiù néng chénggōng. If you are willing to have a try, you can make a success./ 首~(点头答应) shǒukěn nod one's agreement [肯定 -dìng]1.正面承认 affirm; confirm:~~成绩,指出缺点 kěndìng chéngjì, zhǐ chū quēdiǎn affirm the achievements and point out the shortcomings 2.确定不移 definite; sure:我们的计划~~能超额完成 Wǒmen de jìhuà kěndìng néng chāo'é wánchéng. We can surely overfulfil our target plan.
2.骨头上附着的肉 flesh attached to the bone [肯綮 -qǐng]筋骨结合的地方 bone joints [中肯 zhòng-] fig. 抓住重点,切中要害 pertinent; to the point:说话~~ shuōhuà zhòngkěn speak to the point




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