释义 |
乙yǐ ㄧˇ 1.天干的第二位,用作顺序的第二 the second of the ten Heavenly Stems; second 2.旧时乐谱记音符号的一个,相当于简谱的“7” a note of the scale in the former musical scale, corresponding to 7 in numbered musical notation 3.画乙字形的符号,作用有二 draw a mark like 乙, with two functions:1.古时没有标点符号,遇有大的段落用墨笔勾一个ㄥ符号,形似乙字 In ancient times, there were no punctuation marks. To separate long paragraphs, people drew a ㄥ sign, resembling the character 乙, with a writing brush 2.遇有颠倒、遗漏的文字用ㄥ符号改正过来或把遗漏的字勾进去 People use a ㄥ sign, like the character 乙, to correct the inverted word order or to show where sth. is to be inserted in the sentence. |