释义 |
驱(驅、*敺)qū ㄑㄩ 1.赶牲口 drive beasts of burden:~马前进 qū mǎ qiánjìn drive a horse and go forward ext. 赶走 drive out ( comb. -逐 -zhú expel):~逐出境 qūzhú chūjìng deport; expel [驱使 -shǐ]差遣,支使别人为自己奔走 order about 2.快跑 run quickly ( comb. 驰- chí- gallop):前~ qiánqū forerunner; pioneer/ 并驾齐~ bìngjià-qíqū run neck and neck; keep abreast of one another |