

释义 (馬)
ㄇㄚˇ一种家畜,颈上有鬃,尾有长毛。供人骑或拉东西等 horse, a type of large stronganimalwithamaneandalong-haired tail, ridden by people or used for pulling and carrying heavy things [马力 -lì]功率(lǜ)单位:1.马力等于每秒钟把75公斤重的物体提高到1米所做的功 horsepower, a measure of the power of an engine, representing the force needed to pull 75 kg for 1 metre a second [马脚 -jiǎo]破绽(zhàn),漏洞 sth. that gives the game away:露出~~来了 lòuchu mǎjiǎo lái le give oneself away; let the cat out of the bag [马上 -shàng]立刻 at once; immediately:我~~就到 Wǒ mǎshàng jiù dào. I'll be there in a minute.[马达 -dá](外 foreign)用电力或汽油发动的机器,特指电动机 motor, a machine that changes power into movement; esp. electric motor[马虎 -hu]不认真 careless; casual:这事可不能~~ Zhè shì kě bù néng mǎhu. Never do this in a careless way.




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