

释义 pái
1.摆成行(háng)列 arrange; put in order ( comb. -列 -liè arrange):~队 páiduì line up [排行 -háng]兄弟姊妹的长幼次序 seniority among brothers and sisters [排场 -chɑng]铺张的场面 ostentation and extravagance
2.排成的行列 row; line:我坐在前~ Wǒ zuò zài qiánpái. I sit in the front row.
3.同“簰” Same as “簰”
4.军队的编制单位,是班的上一级 platoon, a military unit higher than squad in rank
5.量词 meas. 用于成行列的 row:一~椅子 yī pái yǐzi a row of chairs
6.除去,推开 exclude; push:~水 páishuǐ drain the water away/ ~山倒海(喻力量大) páishān-dǎohǎi topple the mountains and overturn the seas (fig. forceful; mighty)/ ~难(nàn)páinàn mediate a dispute [排泄 -xiè]生物把体内的废物如汗、尿、屎等排出体外 (of living beings) excrete sweat, urine or faeces, etc. out of the body
7.排演,练习演戏 rehearse; practise a play:~戏 páixì rehearse/ 彩~ cǎipái dress rehearsal pǎi




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