

释义 tiǎo
1.用竿子把东西举起或支起 push sth. up with a pole or a stick; raise:~起帘子来 tiǎoqi liánzi lɑi raise the curtain/ 把旗子~起来 bǎ qízi tiǎo qilɑi hoist the flag
2.用条状物或有尖的东西拨开或弄出来 poke; pick:把火~开 bǎ huǒ tiǎokɑi poke a fire/ ~了~灯芯 tiǎole tiǎo dēngxīn raise the wick of an oil lamp/ ~刺 tiǎocì pick out a splinter
3.一种刺绣方法 a method of embroidery:~花 tiǎohuā cross-stitch; cross-stitch work
4.拨弄,引动 stir up; instigate ( comb. -拨 -bō instigate):~衅 tiǎoxìn provoke/ ~拨是非 tiǎobō shìfēi foment discord [挑战 -zhàn]1.激怒敌人出来打仗 throw down the gauntlet; challenge to battle 2.刺激对方和自己较量 challenge to a contest 3.鼓动对方和自己竞赛 encourage to have a contest:两个作业队互相~~ Liǎng ge zuòyèduì hùxiāng tiǎozhàn. The two work teams challenged each other to a contest.
5.汉字由下斜着向上的笔形(╱) rising stroke in Chinese characters tiāo




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