

释义 (**)suǒ
1.处所,地方 place:住~ zhùsuǒ living place/ 各得其~ gèdé-qísuǒ Each is in his proper place. or Each is properly provided for.
2.机关或其他办事的地方 office; institute:研究~ yánjiūsuǒ research institute/ 派出~ pàichūsuǒ local police station/ 诊疗~ zhěnliáosuǒ clinic
3.明代驻兵防边的地点,因大小不同有千户所、百户所。现在多用于地名 frontier post for the station of troops in the Ming Dynasty, varying in size; now often used in place names:海阳~(在山东省) Hǎiyángsuǒ Haiyang Station (in Shandong Province)
4.量词 meas. 用于房屋 for houses:两~房子 liǎng suǒ fángzi two houses
5.助词 aux. 放在动词前,代表接受动作的事物 used before a verb denoting the object of an action:1.动词后不再用表事物的词 when the verb is not followed by any word:耳~闻,目~见 ěr suǒ wén, mù suǒ jiàn what one has seen and heard/ 我们对人民要有~贡献 Wǒmen duì rénmín yào yǒusuǒ gòngxiàn. We should make some contributions to the people./ 各尽~能,按劳分配 Gè jìn suǒ néng, àn láo fēnpèi. from each according to his ability, to each according to his work 2.动词后再用“者”或“的”字代表事物 when the verb is followed by "zhě" or "de", denoting an object:吾家~寡有者 Wújiā suǒ guǎyǒuzhě. That is what we do not have./ 这是我们~反对的 Zhè shì wǒmen suǒ fǎnduì de. This is what we are against. 3.动词后再用表事物的词 when the verb is followed by a noun:他~提的意见 tā suǒ tí de yìjiàn This is what he has proposed.
6.助词 aux. 放在动词前,跟前面“为”字相应,表示被动的意思 used after a verb, along with the previous "wéi", indicating a passive meaning:为人~笑 wéi rén suǒ xiào be laughed at by other people [所以 -yǐ]1.连词 conj. 表因果关下,常跟“因为”相应 so; as a result, indicating the relation between cause and effect, used along with "yīnwèi":他有要紧的事,~~不能等你了 Tā yǒu yàojǐn de shì, suǒyǐ bù néng děng nǐ le. He cannot wait for you any more because he has something urgent to do./ 他~~进步得这样快,是因为他能刻苦努力学习 Tā suǒyǐ jìnbù de zhèyàng kuài, shì yīnwèi tā néng kèkǔ nǔlì xuéxí. The reason why he has made such rapid progress is that he studies very hard. 2.用来 for; with:~~自责者严,~~责人者宽 Suǒyǐ zìzézhě yán, suǒyǐ zérénzhě kuān. be strict with oneself and broad-minded towards others




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